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Getting Your Music on RSA Radio

Writer: Mawawa MCMawawa MC

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

The purpose of This article is to illustrate the steps required to get your song on the radio. This is part of my ongoing "Process" series where I share my experiences & processes as they happen.


1/4 Cleaning - Mastering and Dirty Words

The first part is cleaning your music - this involves -

i) Sound engineering and mastering to ensure that your levels all work well together because one can't have drastic volume changes in your song and this might cause the show producer to simply throw your track out.

ii) Obscene language cleaning involves removing any words that would compromise the radio station.

Dj Double D is renowned in the field of sound engineering and subsequently distribution, he has now formalized his services in the form of a company. More services include distribution to other well known South African DJs.

Service Providers:

Pricelist & Services:


2/4 Registration

The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is one of the most important pieces of information you can have. Most radio stations won't be able to playlist your song if it doesn't have the code. The code is used for tracking your music much like an ID/ Passport number, for traveling through radio stations.

Register on RISA and you will be sent back an ISRC code.

The form will require you to have the following information amongst other details:

Composer, Publisher, Author, Duration of the song.


3/4 Radio Submission

Radio stations in South Africa have a combined listenership of around 30 million. A radio show has on average 250 000 listeners on evening shows and nearly double for the morning shows. If you can find a faster way to reach as many ears, please comment.

Radio stations in South Africa are divided into three factions, National, Local and Community. National has the highest reach with the local stations broadcasting to its province and surrounding areas.

Let's get right into it.




Metro FM - Absolute Hip Hop

Time: Saturday from 8 pm to 10 pm


How to submit The music department no longer accepts physical music submissions send your music to All submissions are registered and details of persons submitting are recorded All tracks are listened to within the Playlist Meeting The tracks are defined with regards to; Accepted/Shelved/Held over Playlist Criteria The song fits within the station format

Hosted by: Dj Speedsta




5 FM - The Stir Up

Time: Sunday from 7 pm to 10 pm

When submitting make sure you:

- Submit your track digitally to

- Attach a 5MB MP3

- Include a download link for a WAV version

- All songs need to be radio edit- no swearing and preferably under 4 min.

- Include a short biography

- The mail must not exceed 6MB

- Register the song with SAMRO

- The artwork is essential to accompany your submission with the following requirements:

800x800 px(Jpeg)

Hosted by: Ms. Cosmo




Radio 2000 FM -

Email for music submission:

Information required:


Song Title:




Record Label:

ISRC Code:

Terms and conditions:

Your track will be reviewed and selected based on the following requirements:

  1. We are an Adult Contemporary music station - message in the music, lyrics, and contemporary.

  2. Quality – the recording quality of a high standard (not exceeding 5MB)

  3. And length – not longer than 5:00 mins (Radio friendly length)

- Music supplied to the radio is deemed to have been provided by the rightful owner and that the supplier is legally entitled to do so.

- All music received by Radio 2000 goes through a selection process. This process is an internal process of the radio station.

- Music is selected based on the format and style of Radio 2000, as well as the need and requirement of the station.

Once submitted allow 3- 4weeks for playlist consideration after which a response will be mailed to you to advise you on whether we will or will not playlist your submission.

Hosted by: N/A





Time: N/A

Send your music to Bongani Hadebe at




Eastern Cape


uMhlobo weNene

If you have a single or can submit electronically, you can use our music submission email –

Hosted by: N/A




Tru FM - The Urban Exchange

Time: Saturday from 12 pm to 3 pm

Submit your track digitally to - preferably an MP3 not bigger than 4MB

Hosted by: Yanga Jaca




Western Cape


Good Hope FM - The Ready D Show

Time: Mon - Thu - 9 pm - 11pm


Submit your track digitally to - preferably an MP3 not bigger than 5MB

Hosted by: Ready D & Dj Eazy






Ukhozi FM - iNumba Numba

Date: Fridays from 10 pm to 2 am


Submit your track digitally to and - preferably an MP3 not bigger than 5MB

Visit Ukhozi FM for more submission options

Hosted by: Lindani Hlope


Gagasi FM - The Fresh Cut

Times: Sat 7 pm to 10 pm


Send Your Radio Edit Through To along with an artist profile

Hosted by: Dj Lab




Time: Sun 6 pm to 10 pm


Music Queries:

Submit music: We'll need a Soundcloud or YouTube link for consideration. Email:

Hosted by: Mike V


Lotus FM - Local Vocal

Time: Saturday from 6 pm to 9 pm

Submit your track digitally to - preferably an MP3 not bigger than 5MB

Hosted by: Zakia Ahmed




KZN Community Stations



Community: Durban

Durban Youth Radio

Time: N/A

Requirements for music submissions: Proper Sleeve Design in the CD case Name of Artist Title of Track(s) EP or Album Title Author (s) Composer (s) Record Label Publishing Company Contact Details of Company or Artist Genre of Music Release Year CAT No. or IRSC Artist Profile if new Track(s) must be copyrighted or Registered with SAMRO and any other Intellectual Property Rights body. Our email address:

Hosted by:





Umgungundlovu FM -

Community: Umgungundlovu

03third Hip Hop Show

Time: Sat 10 pm to 12 pm

Contact: Station - 0768486754


0333423952 | 0835329653


Hosted by: King A, Ndu & maSnappers




4/4 Marketing

Most stations will disclaim that not all submissions can be played and those that can be played may not be popular enough when measured against the same upcoming artists.

I am sure you've seen artists send messages to their following asking them to request the song on the radio on a specific show.


1 comentário

TYocks Sunduza
TYocks Sunduza
09 de ago. de 2024

This website is useful i have found lot of information ✊Bigup

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