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Top 7 Social Media Mistakes by Musicians!

Writer's picture: Mawawa MCMawawa MC

Updated: Jan 7, 2020

Social media and music should work well together but this isn't the case for most artists. Lets get straight into it.

7. ANTI-SOCIAL - Having no online presence.

Artists have a very close relationship to their work, and some decide not to upload or have an artist profile because they either believe their work isn't ready or that social media isn't for real or authentic artists. We can argue that old school, underground and/or classical musicians all now have a social media presence.

More people are moving towards streaming sites like YouTube and Spotify because of the platform's growing database of music. Your fans if they exist outside of your friend-zone will prefer to listen to your music at the same play they listen to their favorite artists.

Your fans like to know more about you through their favorite social media platform. Also if you analog music is popular all a digital presence will do is amplify the reach and provide passive income forever as long as people keep streaming your music.

6. PROFILES ARE HUMAN - Respect the small numbers.

As much as we chase reaching a number that deserves a capital K next to it, we have to also be grateful and grow the 20 to 100 people that we have. Those people aren't just numbers, hopefully they aren't bots (fake accounts), and you should post content that will lead the current following to send your contact to each of their friends.

Understand and satisfy the small following you have. It takes only 50 to 100 people to fill up most bars and nightclubs.

5. SOLID BRANDING - Colors & Tone.

Use a solid logo, you can get one from iMultimedia, by this we mean it must have a story behind it, that is understood and appreciated by other artists. A great logo can increase your credibility, when there is no distinction between your logo and that of a known superstar.

Create a color scheme from the logo and follow through with it in your photography, graphics and video.

4. OVER SELLING - Don't shove it down our ears.

Post more about life and your life, that's what these platforms are designed for. Your music link and details should always be in the bio. So the rest of the space on your page should engage your audience with a sneak peak into the artists mind.

Allot of artists remain firm in the philosophy of averages where if you send the song to 10 000 people then at-least 1000 people will listen. This process works but you also need to consider post ghosting, where your friends know what you going to post because it always the same thing (New Music Alert!!!) . that's when you end up with 1000 followers who are not engaged in your content, making your numbers useless.

3. REMEMBER TEXT - Blogging, Hashtags & Comments.

Blogging is still one of the most important tools in search engine optimization, this is the ability for google to track your content and place you in its results pages. The more original content you write, the better your placing will be.

Hashtags in your blog also matter as this content

2. CONSISTENCY - Post Everyday .

Your followers are viewers, similar to viewers of TV channels. Your viewers require a constant supply of new information. The time of waiting for a week for content has long past in the broadcast market, this is due to social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram with their stories flow, SnapChat and TikTok.

With these continuous flows of information that change everyday, professional companies provide daily updates to their content, you as brand need to follow suit. It is important to note point #4 :Don't Oversell, try to have a scale that slides more towards personal content and less towards selling.

1. CHEATING - buying your following .

There are a number of platforms and websites that allow for buying followers, likes and comments. When the trend began only followers where being sold and that led to promoters and fans realizing that part of their artists camp is made from bots (automated profile users). This led to follow service providers to also provide likes and comments on your pages.

Promoters and fans can see generic copy-and-paste comments and having a very conveniently round number of likes and/or follows.

The most important issue is that you will not have a realistic view of your growth and what you need to focus on as an artist to satisfy and organically grow your fan base.




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